Mass Save HEAT Loan Information
Mass Save HEAT loans are worth $25,000 with terms up to seven years, but terms vary based on your credit and the loan provider.
How to Apply for a HEAT Loan
Step 1: Choose a Contractor. (Hopefully us!) Make sure to get a signed proposal from their (our) official letterhead.
Step 2: Complete and submit a copy of the Intake Form to your HEAT Loan Program Administrator. Include your signed contractor proposal and any additional required documentation. If your work meets program eligibility requirements, you will receive an Authorization Form.
Step 3: Secure the loan. Submit your completed Authorization Form to your selected participating lender. If approved, the lender will provide you with a two-party check made payable to you and your contractor(s). To view a complete list of participating lenders, click here.
Step 4: Complete the upgrade(s). To pay your contractor, simply sign over the bank check.
Step 5: Apply for a rebate. Visit to apply for any available rebates. (WMHCP will help you apply for the rebate)